Channel: CEA News – BLOGCEA
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How to Support Students Impacted by Plan to End DACA

President Trump today announced he plans to end the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program—which will upend the lives of more than 800,000 children and young adults knows as Dreamers. Many of these young people attend our nation’s public schools, but this decision doesn’t only affect them. Many students who are U.S. […]

CEA Testifies: Support Meaningful PD, Oppose Shortcuts to Teacher Certification

CEA staff testified before the State Board of Education (SBE) today on two issues important to teachers and public schools: professional development and teacher preparation/certification. CEA, which is now a State Department of Education designated provider of PD for members, schools, and districts, served on a task force that recommended changes to professional development legislation, […]

Statement from CEA President Sheila Cohen on Governor’s Latest Budget Proposal

Educators across Connecticut urge legislators to quickly pass a budget that includes these essential principles: Protect local school budgets and the education of all children Maintain critical services for families and communities Provide for a reliable education funding revenue stream We have strongly supported reversing the draconian cuts in the Education Cost Sharing (ECS) grant […]

School Funding Still in Question: Legislators Need to Hear from You

Legislators may vote on a new state budget this week. A new plan unveiled by Governor Malloy would lessen the school funding cuts that were part of his executive order, but it would also impose new cuts on cities and towns that will impact school budgets. Legislators need to hear from you. Contact your legislators […]

Urge Legislators to Pass a Budget That Invests in Public Education

This is our last chance to have our voices heard before the budget vote. Legislators are expected to vote on a budget this Thursday or Friday. School budgets across the state are at risk. Click here and take action immediately. Tell legislators: Do not cut ECS dollars that are critical to our schools and students. […]

One Day Left to Contact Your Legislators

Lawmakers will likely vote on a state budget tomorrow. Watch CEA President Sheila Cohen explain why it's so important to contact your legislators.

Tell Legislators: No Cost Shift

Legislators did not vote on a budget plan last night, but they released their proposed plan and are expected to vote on it today. The new budget plan lessens school funding cuts proposed by the governor’s executive order, but still imposes a cost shift onto cities and towns that will impact school budgets, property taxes, […]

It’s Time to Set Your SLO: Here’s What You Need to Know

CEA is offering an interactive workshop on teacher evaluation free to members this September and October. This ninety-minute workshop is being offered in locations around the state to allow as many members as possible to benefit from this valuable information and have their questions answered. Register for a workshop. When it comes to teacher evaluation, […]

CEA Calls on Legislators to Convene Immediately to Create a Real Bipartisan Budget

Today, Governor Malloy reaffirmed his decision to veto the budget that passed this weekend. CEA agrees that a better bipartisan budget is needed for Connecticut, and is calling on legislators to convene immediately to craft a budget that works for all of us and invests in public education. In order to move Connecticut forward, a […]

Urge Governor Malloy to Veto Republican Budget With Unprecedented Teacher Tax

Governor Malloy has said he will veto the Republican budget that passed the legislature this weekend, however he is receiving many calls and emails from voters who want him to sign that budget into law. We must let him know teachers stand strong in opposition to this budget and urge him to veto the Republican […]

CEA Retirement Workshops Coming to a School Near You

Want to learn more about planning for retirement? Comprehensive CEA workshops held around the state cover all issues related to the State Teachers’ Retirement System, such as retirement eligibility, purchasing additional service, how Social Security may be affected, retiree health insurance, and choosing a retirement plan. CEA Retirement Specialist Robyn Kaplan-Cho will cover a wide […]

Wallingford Teacher’s STEM Enrichment Program Receives $100,000 Grant

When Pond Hill Elementary School fifth-grade teacher Christopher Stone founded the CT STEM Academy in Wallingford in 2012, he got a big assist from his state teachers union. The Connecticut Education Association provided a two-year, $10,000 grant to launch his after-school enrichment program, which, over the last five years, has opened the eyes of more […]

Waterbury Teachers Welcome New Colleagues

More than 400 Waterbury teachers attended a new teacher social Friday, to welcome new colleagues to the district. The new teacher social is held every year as an ice breaker to introduce the district’s new educators to the Waterbury Teachers’ Association and its members. “It brings everyone together and shows our unity and how we […]

Governor Malloy Wrong on Teacher Tax

Governor Malloy shocked teachers in Connecticut when he refused to rule out supporting a Teacher Tax. He also misspoke when he said he had not heard from teachers regarding the Teacher Tax.

Statement From CEA President Sheila Cohen on State Budget Veto

With the veto of the Republican budget, CEA is calling on legislators to convene immediately to create a real bipartisan budget that works for all of us and invests in public education.

Celebrating Our Building Rep Superheroes!

Building reps are often a teacher’s first point of contact when questions arise—ranging from practical matters to sensitive subjects. They are their colleagues’ contract enforcer, organizer, and spokesperson. A building rep’s job is vital, but it’s time-consuming, and often receives little thanks. That’s why, here at CEA, we’re recognizing building reps around the state for […]

CEA Seeking Injunction: Executive Order Violates State Law

CEA, Brooklyn, and Torrington are seeking an injunction to prevent Governor Malloy from implementing his executive order and cutting $557 million in education funding to cities and towns.

Interview With CEA President to Air Sunday on Local Radio Stations

From the state’s failure to pass a budget to CEA’s Holiday Bear program, CEA President Sheila Cohen discusses a wide range of education issues in a radio interview airing this Sunday. Cohen shares CEA’s mission and goals and highlights the many positive ways teachers across Connecticut are impacting their students’ lives. You can quickly create […]

Third Town Joins CEA Injunction Against Implementation of Governor’s Executive Order

The town of Plainfield, as well as teachers and students in the town, have joined the injunction to prevent Governor Malloy from implementing his executive order and cutting $557...

New CEA Ad Campaign Puts Students, Teachers, and Public Schools in the Spotlight

Our public schools are filled with teachers who recognize each student’s true potential and provide the encouragement, inspiration, and support to help every student achieve, because every student matters and every teacher matters. That is the core message of a new public awareness advertising campaign sponsored by the Connecticut Education Association and the National Education […]
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